

We invite you to meet with us for a personalized custom fitting in your city. This gives you a chance to personalize your garments and feel fabrics first hand. We discuss your requirements, measure you, and ask that you bring along a current suit you own so we can provide our expertise on how the new suit will look sharper than your current one.



When meeting us please bring along a current suit and a shirt that you own, even if it does not fit well. We know that you are coming to us to get your new favorite suit in your wardrobe, but it is crucial that you bring along a current suit so that we can do a full fitting for you at the time of order.

Please do not wear jeans, shorts or baggy pants to meet us, as it makes it difficult to get the necessary sizes.

We accept payment by cash, credit card or pay pal. We take 50% of the payment within 2 days of order placement and the remaining 50% one week before your orders are shipped to you. This will also provide an indication that your clothes are on the way shortly.



Guaranteed delivery times:

North America 8-10 weeks
Europe/Scandinavia/UK 8-10 weeks
Australia/New Zealand 6-8 weeks
Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia 5-7 weeks

We also do expedited and rushed orders and the time frame can be reduced by half if needed. However, this needs to be mentioned on email before or at the time of order, so that we can have your order delivered before time.

Our orders are shipped with either: UPS, DHL or Fedex

Tracking numbers can be requested to be sent to you at the time of order. All your orders will be sent directly to your doorstep, postage & import taxes included in the delivery fee.


OUR NEXT VISITS - Shall be announced soon!